A new book by Orson (with a little help from me) is available for shipping!

Musings of a Musty Puppet is a potpourri of wise and frivolous (mostly frivolous) stories and anecdotes gleaned in part from conversations Orson and I had in the 1980s when we were cast members on the popular and historic Arizona TV show,

Wallace & Ladmo. 

This book has it all: whimsy, poignancy, and even a book-within-a-book of Twisted Tales that were written originally for

Wallace & Ladmo's own

Mother Goose-with-a-screw-loose,

Aunt Maud, which are available nowhere else. 

Dan Horn

Click Secure Link Below to Get Yours!

$19.99 ea. plus $4.13 US Shipping​
​for the first copy - additional copies to the same address ship free!
(Sorry...only domestic US orders at this time)

Click on Sample Pages

Stand-up Ventriloquist Comedian

Copyright 2017 by Dan Horn - Stand-Up Ventriloquist. All rights reserved.


Dan Horn